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За тези, които не подозират аз съм Мария Станкулова. Родена съм ’93 година в София и, тъй като този сайт е основно на уелнес и тематика за здравословен начин на живот, а движението е неделима част от него, се радвам да ви споделя, че от най-ранна детска възраст винаги съм се занимавала с някакъв спорт в свободното си време.

Чисто любителски, на някои дисциплини посветих години, до други едва се докоснах. Една година класически балет беше достатъчна още от детската градина да утвърди непослушния ми характер. Години по-късно винаги съм съжалявала, че не минах подобна школа, по-скоро художествена гимнастика примерно. Тениса на корт също ми беше неприятен, за разлика от този на маса. Кънките на лед ми допаднаха още от първия опит и до ден днешен съм привърженик, а във футбола играех винаги вратар, защото с дългите си рокли така бях най-полезна на отбора. Усвоих всички стилове в плуването за 4 последователни години, но въпреки посветеността, не бих нарекла този спорт любим. Карането на ролери също ми допадна още от самото начало и въпреки неодобрителните погледи до ден днешен продължавам понякога да карам. Четири години модерен балет и хип-хоп вече ме утвърдиха като групов играч, но определено и като индивидуалист развиващ допълнителна гъвкавост и кинетични способности, но никога с желание за соло изпълнение. След като част от формацията ни се разви, сформирахме и състезателен отбор за кратко. Може би от там, а може би и не само от тогава имам голяма любов и към музиката. В училище, освен нормативите и обичайните игри съм пробвала дори бейзбол, но най-много харесвах волейбола. Продължих без група да усвоявам нови танцови стилове, чисто любителски – латино и стандарт, салса, хип-хоп на високи токчета и контемпърари, а междувременно 2-3 години поддържах гъвкавост със стречинг йога, посещавах курсове по хот йога и с годините различни други видове, които ми помагаха с овладяването на различни тънкости, допълващи успоредните ми занимания, които винаги са били на преден план. Много пъти, за кратко съм се предвижвал с велосипед, но като любител на високите скорости и разпределящ времето си спрямо други приоритети човек, никога не съм спадала в графата „колоездачи“. За съжаление, никога не попаднах и в графата парашутист. Три лета подред се опитах да използвам подарен ми ваучер за скок с инструктор, но или летището се местеше, или екипажа беше зает със сватби и кумувания, или атракциона беше затворен, когато бях в страната. Накрая използвах ваучера за водолазен компас, който ме следваше навсякъде години наред, включително в туристическа подводница….все пак „човек е човек, когато е на път“. От 8 години посещавам фитнес зали, като стартирах със степ аеробика, но бързо осъзнах всички ползи, които една класическа и добре оборудвана зала може да предостави. От тогава, разбира се че отново съм имала любими треньори – учители, които са ми взимали страха и дори такива, с които някога сме били в една формация, така че груповите тренировки ми помогнаха да възпитам в себе си дисциплината, която ми липсваше в детските години. След 10 години прекъсване, успоредно с фитнеса, се върнах към танците. За близо 2 години възстанових бързо забравените основи, открих любими учители, посветих се за известно време на любимия ми стил и доразвих собствен, чрез посещаване на различни по вид класове. По-късно открих и любителската конна езда и ползите от допълнителни спортни занимания на открито.

Защо започвам с всичко това? Та аз винаги съм била просто любител! Да, но успоредно с това не веднъж съм била на по-малко или повече специфични режими (с цел подобряване на постиженията или чисто здравни) и съм се сблъскала с често срещани грешки, митове и заблуди. Като любител не разбирам нищо от допинг и анаболи, но като наблюдателен индивид, понякога дори със състезателен дух, смея да кажа, че ако някой ми беше показал кои грешки да не допускам или поне да беше отбелязал какво доказано действа, щеше да ми е по-лесно.

Въпреки това, по душа съм хуманист и вярвам в чисто индивидуалния подход – тоест, че всеки, който е достатъчно наблюдателен знае най-добре какво е подходящо за него. Въпреки това, във всеки от нас звучи гласа на природата, стига да не е тотално заглушен с годините, а тя понякога сама ни посочва пропуските ни.

От дете се занимавам и с рисуване, дори на моменти на академично ниво. По образование съм графичен дизайнер, говоря (и пиша, и чета на) ангийски, черногорски, италиански и испански и имам много други интереси. Както казах съм хуманист, въпреки трудния си характер. Работила съм по специалността си в почти всички направления, за които съм била подготвена. Работила съм и в сферата на изящните изкуства, а до скоро бях маркетинг мениджър, което беше предизвикателство и поле за развитие в друга насока. За кратко бях (тъй като очевидно връзките ни са единствено достатъчно дълги, колкото да се обеся на тях ако не ми ги конфискуват) продавач-консултант във верига магазини за български и чуждестранни вина и бутикови питиета (което разби сърцето ми по линия, за която не смятам да говоря).

Тъй като множеството ми бизнес идеи са практически неизпълними, допълнителен принос по някой интересуващ ви въпрос или просто от любопитство бих се радвала да дам поне на един от вас чрез този сайт. Първият ми собствен сайт всъщност беше още в ученическите години, в популярна тогава платформа (който едва изтрих след няколко опита и не намерих в интернет архивите). Ако някой ми беше казал, че билбордите, които тогава снимах ще са част от бъдещата ми професия, тогавашното ми хоби (фотографията) щеше да е предмет на изучаване повече от 2 семестъра, а фронт и бек енд девелоперите щяха да са престижни и много търсени специалисти, нямаше да му повярвам.

Блогът ми е чисто любителски, както не веднъж споменах, но съм готова да отговарям на всяка повдигната тема и да споделя колкото информация и опит имам с вас.

Приятно четене! И пишете. 🙂

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        1. Munchmelou says:

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      Live well with happiness and joy and luck and prosper

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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      Live well and prosper. 🙂

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    1. Munchmelou says:

      Thanks for the appreciation.

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      Feel free to start discussing in the comments box of every article.

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      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I would be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      If you have time, share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I would be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      If you have time, share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

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      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      I am greafull for your time and attention.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box of every article.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      I would be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Best wishes!

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      I am greafull for your time and attention.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box of every article.

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      Best wishes!

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    1. Munchmelou says:

      I am greafull for your time and attention.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box of every article.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      I would be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Best wishes!

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      I am greafull for your time and attention.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box of every article.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      I would be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Best wishes!

    1. Munchmelou says:

      I am greafull for your time and attention.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box of every article.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      I would be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Best wishes!

    1. Munchmelou says:


      I am greafull for your time and attention.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box of every article.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      I would be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Best wishes!

    1. Munchmelou says:

      I will.

      I am greafull for your time and attention.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box of every article.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      I would be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Best wishes!

    1. Munchmelou says:

      I am greafull for your time and attention.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box of every article.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      I would be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Best wishes!

    1. Munchmelou says:

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      I am greafull for your time and attention.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box of every article.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      I would be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Best wishes!

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Yes, we can. How?

      I am greafull for your time and attention.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box of every article.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      I would be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Best wishes!

    1. Munchmelou says:

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      I am greafull for your time and attention.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box of every article.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      I would be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Best wishes!

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

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      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Please just check my website as I still don’t have subscription options and I don’t know when I will have time to make one, but the articles will continue 🙂

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      I am thrilled to be in s.bd. bookmarks <3

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

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    1. Munchmelou says:

      I don’t have recommendations – just keep going and share your blog in the comments if you want 🙂

      I have no idea what happened with you other comment – probably the platform deleted it as I have not seen it.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

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      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      I will.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      I am thrilled that you are“found“ on my website 🙂

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      I am glad that my writing is understandable.

      I am open for questions and discussion.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

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    1. Munchmelou says:

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      I will.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

  11. marino98 says:

    My programmer is trying to persuade me to move to .net from PHP.

    I have always disliked the idea because of the expenses.
    But he’s tryiong none the less. I’ve been using Movable-type on numerous websites for about a year and am anxious about switching to another
    platform. I have heard excellent things about blogengine.net.
    Is there a way I can import all my wordpress
    posts into it? Any kind of help would be really appreciated!

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

  12. z8.com คาสิโน says:

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    called. Appreciate it!

    1. Munchmelou says:

      I have used a WordPress theme with a bit of changes for this website.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      It takes a lots of time before writing the article to define the shape of the post and how it will fit with the big idea of the website.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      I am touched by the fact that you like my style of writing.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      What is AOL?

      Write to me on marija93@gmail.com

      What is your idea and what problems are you dealing with?

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

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    1. Munchmelou says:

      Visit my page again soon 😉

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

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    1. Munchmelou says:

      I am pleased to be in your bookmarks.

      I have to check if I have this option, because my idea is a good cause, but it is hard sometimes to keep up as there is still no income from this website.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

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    1. Munchmelou says:

      Your work partner or a loved one or a friend?

      I am very happy to hear that!

      Collaboration is possible for my idea, I just don’t know if that time has come, as I don’t have any income from this website.

      What kind of articles are you willing to work on?

      Write to me your idea for collaboration on: marija93@gmail.com

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Do you think so?
      I am not popular for now, but I am writing for the people and my cause is good. I don’t have SEO or advertising, so I am not sure that it is possible to reach more readers this way, but I keep going. 🙂

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:


      My website is not that special I suppose….
      …but my whole idea is big…

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      I will write more articles like this – visit my page soon 😉

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

  16. free pinky porno videos says:

    My programmer is trying to convince me to move to .net from PHP.
    I have always disliked the idea because of the expenses.
    But he’s tryiong none the less. I’ve been using Movable-type
    on numerous websites for about a year and am worried about switching to another platform.
    I have heard good things about blogengine.net. Is there a way
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    1. Munchmelou says:

      I will.

      I am thrilled that you have pleasent experience by reading and viewing my website.

      It is pitty, but I still don’t have subscription options, so just visit my page for new articles. I have to make subsibtion box….but I don’t know when I am going to make it. However, the info will continue.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      I suppose it is not higher in Google because I am not popular and I am not paying for SEO and stuff….

      …share your website in the comments… 🙂

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

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      Wow! I am glad that my website is that interesting for you that you are going to read it at home too…

      …you know – work never ends, both at work and at home, just our time is ending day by day…

      I suppose that it is loading fast because I don’t have „heavy“ content (a lots of videos and big documents, pics, etc.) and the hosting is good.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

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    1. Munchmelou says:

      I am not an expert, but I have done a lots of experiments and reading on the themes that I am writing for.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Try subscribing in the subscription box that will appear after every article before or after the comments box.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

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    1. Munchmelou says:

      Try subscribing in the subscription box that will appear after every article before or after the comments box.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Try subscribing in the subscription box that will appear after every article before or after the comments box.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

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    1. Munchmelou says:

      You are on the right place.

      Keep visiting my website.

      I am happy that you find the info useful.

      Try subscribing in the subscription box that will appear after every article before or after the comments box.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

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    Any recommendations or tips? Thank you!

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Yes…just one…just start and if you don’t like it…start again….

      Try subscribing in the subscription box that will appear after every article before or after the comments box.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Try subscribing in the subscription box that will appear after every article before or after the comments box.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      I don’t know what RSS is…?

      Try subscribing in the subscription box that will appear after every article before or after the comments box.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Try subscribing in the subscription box that will appear after every article before or after the comments box.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      I am happy to be your favourite author.

      Try subscribing in the subscription box that will appear after every article before or after the comments box.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      I am truly grateful that you shared my website.

      I hope to see you again.

      Try subscribing in the subscription box that will appear after every article before or after the comments box.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

  23. 먹튀검증 says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

      If it is your personal cause (which is my case) it takes all of your time… don’t take me wrong – it is not that you work nonstop, it is that you think it all the time and the how and when you are going to launch….

      The actual work is as much as you are willing to do everyday…if you are not somebody’s employee (to work on an others person website).

      Try subscribing in the subscription box that will appear after every article before or after the comments box.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      I am blogging for march 2020.

      About the content – it is a 15 years of experience, reading and research….

      Try subscribing in the subscription box that will appear after every article before or after the comments box.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Try subscribing in the subscription box that will appear after every article before or after the comments box.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

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    1. Munchmelou says:

      I am paying only for the hosting and the domain and I don’t have an income from this website.

      Try subscribing in the subscription box that will appear after every article before or after the comments box.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Yes. I am the owner, writer, admin and everything on this website.

      Try subscribing in the subscription box that will appear after every article before or after the comments box.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Yes, I can get what are you dealing with. Don’t get discouraged by yourself – creativity is a constant process….

      Try subscribing in the subscription box that will appear after every article before or after the comments box.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Try subscribing in the subscription box that will appear after every article before or after the comments box.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Try subscribing in the subscription box that will appear after every article before or after the comments box.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      I don’t have a solution of this problem – just try not to piss of the hacker – this is i think the only solution….

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      I will try to take care.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      I am the owner, the admin and the writer of this website.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

  25. kktc escort says:

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    to give a quick shout out and say I truly enjoy reading through
    your posts. Can you recommend any other blogs/websites/forums that deal with the same subjects?
    Thanks a lot!

    1. Munchmelou says:

      I can’t recommend you the same combination of topics in one site. The websites that I am quoting from partly talk about these things.

      I will be happy if you continue visiting my website.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      I learnt by myself and by practice.

      What did you study?

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      I don’t know.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

  26. hn.24h says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

      I am happy that my writing is understandable. I am open to question and discussion.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

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    1. Munchmelou says:

      I don’t know.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      You can not get along with everybody.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

  28. NobarTV says:

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    Many thanks!

    1. Munchmelou says:

      It is a wordpress theme.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

      I am pleased that you like my style of writing. I hope to see you again and your mate too.

      Try subscribing in the subscription box that will appear after every article before or after the comments box.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper

    1. Munchmelou says:

      I hope to see you and your brother soon again.

      Try subscribing in the subscription box that will appear after every article before or after the comments box.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Try subscribing in the subscription box that will appear after every article before or after the comments box.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Try subscribing in the subscription box that will appear after every article before or after the comments box.

      Thank you for the appreciation.

      I will be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box after every article.

      Live well and prosper

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    1. Munchmelou says:

      Yes, I am opening“Idea lines“ with every article and continuing them with similar articles.

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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      Try subscribing in the subscription box that will appear after every article before or after the comments box.

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    1. Munchmelou says:

      Sorry, I don’t know.

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      Greetings from Sofia, Bulgaria 🙂

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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      Live well and prosper

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    1. Munchmelou says:

      I have to make updates I suppose.

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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      Live well and prosper

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    1. Munchmelou says:

      Thanks for the advice!

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

      I modified a wordpress theme.

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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      Live well and prosper

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    1. Munchmelou says:

      I will.

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

      Yes, I am the admin, writer and owner of the website.

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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      Live well and prosper

    1. Munchmelou says:

      Read my future articles 🙂

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      Live well and prosper

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      Try subscribing in the subscription box that will appear after every article before or after the comments box.

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      Live well and prosper

    1. Munchmelou says:

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      Live well and prosper

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      Thanks for the appreciation.

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      Try to subscribe in the subscription box that appears after every article.

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      Live well and prosper 🙂

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    1. Munchmelou says:

      Thanks for the appreciation.

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      Try to subscribe in the subscription box that appears after every article.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

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      Try to subscribe in the subscription box that appears after every article.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

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      Try to subscribe in the subscription box that appears after every article.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

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      Try to subscribe in the subscription box that appears after every article.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

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      Thanks for the appreciation.

      I would be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Try to subscribe in the subscription box that appears after every article.

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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      No, I have started manuscripts a couple of times, but I always destroy them before finishing them.

      Thanks for the appreciation.

      I would be pleased to see you soon again reading and commenting.

      Try to subscribe in the subscription box that appears after every article.

      Feel free to start a discussion in the comments box.

      Share my website with people that you think it will be helpful for.

      Live well and prosper 🙂

    1. Munchmelou says:

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      Thanks for the appreciation.

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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      Thanks for the appreciation.

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

      You’re welcome.

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    1. Munchmelou says:

      I will.

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

      That’s what I do when I aam serious about something.

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

      I am using WordPress.

      Thanks for the appreciation.

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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    1. Munchmelou says:

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