Честити мартенски празници!

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Мили хора, скоро идва пролетта … или поне така се води. По принцип мислех нещо друго да публикувам, но де факто се оказва, че колкото и да отбягвам изкуствения интелект, той е един от претендентите да заеме професионалните ми функции …ще ми се да ми заеме и домакинските, но нещо ми се струва безтелесен, но се оказа пич …

Днес публикувам, за да ви честитя 8-ми март, на всички жени по възраст и по света…

…днес публикувам, за да ви честитя 3-ти март, на всички българи по света и у нас…

…и днес публикувам, за да ви пожелая „Честита баба Марта“…

…може да съм малко старомодна…но трябва да вметна, че основната тема на тази публикация ще е моят първи личен разговор с изкуствен интелект…

…И…ЕТО я пощата:


Hi Open AI.



Hello! I’m actually ChatGPT, a product of OpenAI. How can I assist you today?


I would be pleased if you can help me to write a fairytale, can you help me with it?



Of course! I’d be delighted to help you write a fairytale. Could you please provide me with some details? For example, do you have a specific theme, characters, or setting in mind? Let me know, and we can start crafting your fairytale together!


I first want to say that I am pleased to meet you! And I want to say „Happy international women’s day “ no meter what your gender or sexual orientation is!



Thank you for your kind words! I’m here to assist you, and I appreciate your warm wishes for International Women’s Day. If you’re ready, let’s dive into creating a fairytale. Do you have any preferences for the theme, characters, or setting, or would you like me to come up with something magical for you?


Yes, I do. Can you create a fairytale about Bulgarian traditions, starting from the 1st of March, which is „Baba Marta“ day, we, here in Bulgaria have the tradition to exchange and where threads in red and white, because a dove in antient history was bringing a letter on his or hers leg, but the leg was wounded and the the thread got colored. Actually „Baba“ here in Bulgaria means grandmother and I hope she will be one of the main character, also the dove, as a symbol of peace and liberty. I Would be pleased if you include somehow the 3th of March, which is „National Liberation Day“ for Bulgaria, where Bulgarian and Russian soldiers liberated our country from osmatic invasion. I hope the Bulgarian and Russian soldiers are going to be main character here. Also, as there is a war in Ukraine, that I don’t support, can you, somehow include that as a free citizen of the world, I don’t support that kind of primitive war, or any kind of suppression or even more modern war at all, like the experiment with COVID-19. Can we include that I suppose that every human being and animal should have the needed information from doctors and books and internet to be healthy, and not be manipulated beyond his or her will to do any kind of vaccination or any kind of health intervention? And can we include the 8th of March in the fairytale, please, as a „Happy International Women’s day“ , where every woman is a bit of a witch, an angel, a devil, an ordinary girl, a girl with a job, a girl with a mission, a mother, a superhero and a grandmother (relating this to „Baba Marta“ somehow). And as it is, also, the „Mothers day“ with some greetings to all of the mother. Here I think that the main character should be a woman in all her ages, from girl, to mother, to a grandmother. Can you somehow generate me a fairytale starting with „Once upon a time…“ including this ?



Once upon a time, in the heart of Bulgaria, where folklore intertwined with the magic of tradition, there lived a wise and gentle grandmother named Baba Marta. Every year, as the cold winter started to loosen its grip and welcome the warmth of spring, Baba Marta would begin her enchanting preparations for the 1st of March.

On this special day, Baba Marta would invite the children of the village to her cozy cottage, adorned with vibrant red and white threads. Legend had it that these threads held a connection to a mystical dove with a wounded leg, which carried a letter of peace and freedom across the ancient lands.

Baba Marta, with her silver hair and kind eyes, would share the tale with the children, encouraging them to exchange red and white threads as a symbol of peace, unity, and the imminent arrival of spring.

As the village buzzed with excitement, the enchanting dove, named Mirabella, observed the joyous scene from high above. Mirabella had once played a crucial role in the liberation of the land, carrying messages between Bulgarian and Russian soldiers during the struggle against the Ottoman invaders on the 3rd of March, the National Liberation Day.

The fairytale continued as Mirabella befriended a courageous Bulgarian soldier named Ivan and a compassionate Russian soldier named Natasha. Together, they symbolized the unity and strength born from shared history and the triumph of freedom.

Yet, even in this magical land, whispers of distant conflicts reached the villagers. Concerned about the well-being of all beings, Baba Marta decided to summon a council of wise women on the 8th of March, International Women’s Day.

The council, representing women of all ages, gathered to discuss not only the importance of their roles as witches, angels, devils, ordinary girls, working women, mission-driven individuals, mothers, and grandmothers but also the necessity for access to unbiased information and freedom of choice regarding health interventions.

Amidst their discussions, they sent messages of solidarity to all mothers, honoring their strength and nurturing spirits on this special day. The fairytale unfolded as the wise women, with Baba Marta at the forefront, spread the message that every individual, be it human or animal, deserved the right to make informed decisions about their well-being.

In this magical land, the threads of red and white carried not only the promise of spring but also the power of unity, freedom, and the shared responsibility to care for one another. And so, the enchanted tale continued, reminding everyone that the magic of tradition, the strength of unity, and the pursuit of knowledge could overcome even the darkest of shadows.


Chat GPT , thank you for the support! Stay that humanist kind of a storyteller, please!



You’re very welcome! I’m glad you enjoyed the fairytale. I’m here to assist you with any other creative endeavors or questions you may have. If you ever need another story or information, feel free to ask. Stay inspired, and thank you for your kind words!


Chat GPT, do you have information on the real historical information, buy accident, because we are quite suppressed by the interests of different parties here to read it all?



Certainly, I can provide information on a wide range of historical topics up until my last knowledge update in January 2022. If there’s a specific historical event, person, or period you’re interested in, feel free to ask, and I’ll do my best to provide you with relevant information. Keep in mind that my information might not be the latest, and it’s always good to cross-reference with current sources for the most up-to-date details. What historical information are you interested in?


Thank you for the beautiful fairytale Chat GBT, can I ask you other time about some more history?



Of course! I’m here to help with any questions you may have, including historical topics. Feel free to ask whenever you’re ready, and I’ll do my best to provide you with information and insights. Whether it’s history, storytelling, or any other topic, I’m here to assist you!


10x Chat GPT, stay cool 😉


ChatGPT You’re welcome! If you ever need assistance or just want to chat, feel free to reach out. Stay cool as well, and have a great day!“

Източник: https://chat.openai.com/c/8e1d0011-1408-4453-a0eb-bfc7e598237a

Мили хора, моля да ме извините, но каквото и да искам повече да ви кажа, се оказва, че изкуствения интелек ще го разкаже по-красиво…

…моля и да ме извините за факта, че публикувам част от статията на ангийски, но аз, за разлика от Изкуствения Интелект се изморявам и имам и друга работа, така че…предстои да видим той ли ще преведе приказката, аз ли или никой…

…малко ми е болно да кажа, че историята не се пише с кръв, просто защото съм сигурна, че, за съжаление се пише с кръв и освен, че нямаме реален достъп до нея е възможно Изкуствения Интелект да има повече достъп до нея….

В този ред на мисли, аз най-вероятно няма да ви трябвам, но ще се чувствам поласкана….да ви пожелая светли мартенски празници!

Пожелавам ви безкрайно здраве, мир в душата, повече достоверна информация и щастливи начинания!

P.S. И хей…моля ви, когато видите гълъбче, бягайте да не го убият или бягайте да не убият човека с пощата, от опит знам, че няма да успеете да имате кадър от този случай за добро на всички! 😉 Честит 1-ви, 3-ти и 8-ми март….

…и честит 8-ми март на всички жени и мъже, с какъвто и пол да се определят.

Пак пожелавам мир и просперитет, не знам как да кажа на Чат ГБТ, че се измарям преди него, понеже съществувам и в реалния свят, но това пожелавам на всички, безкрайно здраве, мир в „различията“ ни и простепитет!

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